Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Chiu Chow, Teochew, or Diojiu?

When you say you are Chinese most people think you are either Mandarin or Cantonese, but when I say Chinese I also need to say I am Chiu Chow, then I have to go into a long explanation of what Chiu Chow is. So here goes... Chiu Chow, Teochew, or Diojiu are all the same. It's a another dialect of the Chinese language, specifically a dialect of the Southern Min Chinese language. However, it isn't that simple. I am of Chinese-Vietnamese-American descent thus, as I recently found out, I am considered a Hoa ( by good o'le Wiki. Hoa are the Chinese that migrated from China and settled in Vietnam. The largest group of Hoa speak Cantonese, and next is Chiu Chow.

Growing up in America has made it difficult to keep my connection to Chiu Chow, so recently I have started to make a big effort to learn the language. However, if you google or search any where to learn Chiu Chow it is nearly impossible. So with research and the help of my parents I want to share my understandings with anyone who is interested in the Chinese, Vietnamese, and Chiu Chow culture.

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