Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dragon Fruit

So not only am I using this blog to post up some of my family's recipe, but to also share some of the things I learn. Thus being said, this special is on the dragon fruit or at least that is the common name. Wiki would rather call it Pitaya. In Chiu Chow my mom calls it "Che Leng Gue" (sounds to me like "green dragon fruit").

The Pitaya or dragon fruit is the fruit a cactus species. They grow in Mexico, Central and South America, Taiwan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Philippines, Australia, China, and a few other places.

So after reading the Wiki article I found out that the flower of this cactus only blooms at night. I was lucky enough to see this, since my dad is trying to grow a dragon fruit cactus. It was a pretty site.

Not the best background.
Let's take a look inside

Wow.. Pretty!

Before our dragon fruit cactus plant did not bear any fruit, but taking notes in Vietnam...

I think he figured it needed some support so he stuck it in a trash bin..

and Voila!

Dragon Fruit!

4 of them to be exact!

Now my dragon fruit was always red leafy on the outside and white on the inside. It also contains a bunch of black seeds reminding me of kiwis. There's not much flavor but when it's chilled and in hot weather it is very good.

However, I see their are dragon fruit in Costa Rica with red meat and even a yellow leafy dragon fruit.

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