Friday, October 23, 2009

Teriyaki Chicken Thighs

So this is a really quick and easy dish that my sister made for me. It was really good and flavorful. The corn was provided by Green Giant, but still good.


  • Chicken thighs
  • Chicken Marinade Teriyaki Flavor


  1. Place chicken thighs in container
  2. Pour chicken marinade over meat
  3. Refrigerate over night
  4. In the morning flip chicken to marinate other side
  5. Preheat oven to 400 degrees
  6. Place chicken in oven safe pan and cook for 1 hour or until chicken is cooked


So I heard that mints are pretty easy to grow and instead of always going to the market to buy some I decided to try this myself. From what I've read online, mints grow really well. If you do not grow them in a pot or separate them from the rest of the garden they will take over! So I grew my mints from cuttings. Basically, I bought mints at the store, used them and stuck the stems in a cup.

At first I wasn't getting any roots. I also noticed that the roots looked a little dead so I thought since they have been cut for who knows how long, so I cut them to give them fresh ends so the mints could absorb the water. In a couple of weeks I got roots!!!!!!

So this isn't the best picture(because my camera just can't do it), but I wanted to show the roots that grew. I let them grow a good amount before planting them in the soil.

Now my mints are planted and i am waiting for more to grow!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Steamed Fish (Chue Heu)

This is one of my favorite dishes. This time we had rock fish. It looks like a mess but the fish was too big for the plate so it was cut in half. But let me tell you, it was a delicious!

Rock Fish


  • Fish (Rock fish in this case, but you can also use catfish)
  • Ginger
  • Green onions
  • Soy sauce
Clean fish and marinate with salt. Bring a pot of water to a boil with a rack inside. When it is boiling place fish and cap. Let cook for 30 minutes and then check. Slice ginger and green onions at an angle to get thin strips. Once the fish is cooked place them on top. Boil oil in a small pot. Listen for the pops of the bubbles and when they stop pour the oil over the fish, ginger and green onions. Make sure to pour it all over. Tilt the plate to pour the oil back in to the pot. Add soy sauce and allow to boil. Once you hear the bubbles pour over fish.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lotus Root Sweet and Sour Salad

It's been awhile, but school started and things are starting to get busy! So I remember I had this dish for the first time when my fourth aunt came from Vietnam. It's been awhile, so I asked my mom to make it. It is a nice and light meal.

  • Pickled lotus rootlets (1 jar)
  • Cucumbers
  • Mints (green one, purple one, and the spade leaf)
  • Shrimp
  • Green onion
  • Red onion

Lotus Root

Wash the lotus roots. Slice thinly by angling knife and rotating the root as you slice. Pour a spoon of white vinegar and let marinate. Boil water and cook shrimp (add some salt to flavor), peel and then slice in half. Slice cucumbers into strips. Cut up mints. Slice green and red onions.

Mix together and serve with Niet mam (fish sauce).